About this site

This site is moderated by Crystal-Leigh Clitheroe on behalf of the contributors who retain copyright.

Content can be used in accordance with a CC Licence.

This site uses Drupal and is based on a set of templates and modules defined by the Scratchpad team at the Natural History Museum, London.

Scratchpads Issue Queue

Bug #4062 (Require Feedback): Error when applying filter

Wed, 03/26/2014 - 18:44

Error (see attached screenshots) returned when I attempt to apply the 'published' filter on the 'Pages' page.


Feature #4058 (Completed - Requires Review): allow for direct csv import

Tue, 03/25/2014 - 16:00

per discussion with simon
would be good if we could have a direct csv import rather than having to go from csv->xls

Bug #4057 (Active): Search problems

Tue, 03/25/2014 - 14:05

1. Faceted author search does not produce any results:

There are three spellings of Wieslaw Krzeminski:

Krzeminski, W - no references: http://fossilinsects.myspecies.info/biblio?sort=asc&order=Year&f0=im_biblio_contributor%3A5400
Krzeminski, W. - no references: http://fossilinsects.myspecies.info/biblio?sort=asc&order=Year&f0=im_biblio_contributor%3A11081
KRZEMINSKI, WIESŁAW - one reference: http://fossilinsects.myspecies.info/biblio?sort=asc&order=Year&f0=im_biblio_contributor%3A20493

Actually, there are 57 references of this author: http://fossilinsects.myspecies.info/biblio?f[author]=6794#overlay-context=biblio%3Ff%5B0%5D%3Dim_biblio_contributor%253A6794%26sort%3Dasc%26order%3DYear

2. It seems that linking of different spellings is faulty. Another author, Ewa Krzeminska is automatically being linked to W. Krzeminski (she is his wife, but Drupal cannot know it :). If you try to correct and link all E Krzeminska spelling together, then W. Krzeminski linking is ruined, and visa versa.

3. Search seem to retain current filters but not search results, so it is impossible to narrow down the search.

4. Search operates with "OR" operator, not "AND" "Krzeminski Limoniidae" returns significantly more results than "Krzeminski"

5. Search returns files, but does not display them:http://fossilinsects.myspecies.info/search/site/krzeminski%201994?f0=bundle%3Aapplication

Bug #4056 (Active): duplication of biblio records

Tue, 03/25/2014 - 13:46

the Protologue references in the Dioscoreaceae scratchpad are duplicated up to three times. This must be because we ran the 'generate protologue references' multiple times.

Please advise on how to delete unwanted references in bulk.

Note that the duplicates are not all displayed in the portal!

http://e-monocot.org/taxon/urn:kew.org:wcs:taxon:267982 Original publication repeated twice, but there are three nodes in the Darwin core Archive (and the site).
http://dioscoreaceae.e-monocot.org/node/5015 is the node associated with the term in the classification.
http://dioscoreaceae.e-monocot.org/node/1857 is superfluous.
http://dioscoreaceae.e-monocot.org/node/3005 is superfluous.

Bug #4053 (Active): Site name

Sun, 03/23/2014 - 17:13

How can I edit the site name on my Scratchpad? Help says:
'Go to Configuration > (System) Site information and change the text in the Site Name field'
...but 'Site information' isn't one of the options under Configuration > System on my site? I'm almost certainly missing something obvious but I can't find where to do this anywhere on the site.

- Backup Scratchpad
- Forum/E-mail integration
- Google Analytics

Bug #4052 (Active): where have the taxon descriptions gone?

Sun, 03/23/2014 - 16:42

All my taxon descriptions entered before Oct 2013 seem to have disappeared. Where are they? They are still listed, but don't show any text.

Bug #4051 (Active): home page: blog not updating

Sun, 03/23/2014 - 08:05

on my home page, I selected to have the most recent blogs featured there. However, the lastests ones are not shown. It seems to be stuck to those from 2011...
The same goes for all the other fields I use (eg taxonomic data on the home page).
Best regards

Bug #4050 (Active): Cannot get tagging to work

Sat, 03/22/2014 - 12:27

I have tried to set up tagging so that the fields in my Event content type are scanned for matching taxonomies. I have selected the field 'species links' to be tagged on save - but this does not seem to be working. for example - I have a Taxon description called 'Diptera' but my recent event about Diptera was not tagged with this term. Please could you investigate as I'd really like this feature to sork.


Bug #4049 (Active): users not found on site

Fri, 03/21/2014 - 17:48

We recently added c. 10,000 specimens to our site. There was a glitch with about 2% of these. Error messages after the upload said the users which had been entered as collectors could not be found on the site. When we looked for those users on the site (e.g. Solander) they appeared not to have an account. However they are present in a user import template I downloaded.

Bug #4048 (Active): Specimen data not showing in slickgrid after view edit

Fri, 03/21/2014 - 13:41

from maintainer's email:

I have edited the layout of the specimen/observation block on the Species page. The correct specimen rows are displayed but most cells are empty.
How can I make the empty fields display their content? In the normal specimen view they display correctly.

Example with 4 specimen/observation records):

Bug #4047 (Active): Specimens tab view on taxon pages is not displaying correctly

Fri, 03/21/2014 - 11:14

I have edited the layout of the specimen/observation block on the taxon page. The correct number of specimen records are displayed but most cells are blank. The dedicated Specimen view display the same records correctly.
How can I fix the display of the records?

Taxon example with 4 specimen/observation records):

Bug #4046 (Active): specimen page not loading

Thu, 03/20/2014 - 17:37

The specimen page (http://hypericum.myspecies.info/specimen_observation) on our scratchpad is not loading.

Prior to this location content was not being displayed on that page. I tried to add one bit of content to appear on the slickgrid which seemed to cause the problem.

Bug #4045 (Active): GUIDs missing in biblio download

Thu, 03/20/2014 - 16:59

I downloaded the bibliographic records to check something and noticed that many of them don't have a GUID assigned. I assume there is a GUID in the system, but they are not downloading.

Bug #4044 (Active): Remove help links from views admin pages

Thu, 03/20/2014 - 14:57

I am trying to modify some Views on our site. On the configuration pages there are several "Help" buttons in useful places, but so far they all link to an "access denied" page. Do I need to change a configuration on our site? I have attached two screenshots as additional explanation.

Bug #4043 (Active): Updating nodes to include group audience

Thu, 03/20/2014 - 14:55

I am trying to update a large number of nodes to move them to a private group. Group audience field contains a value that looks like:
where the last number is unique for each record.
If I try to put "1" in this field it is being ignored. There is no option to put GUID for Group audience

What should I put in the field?

Bug #4039 (Active): URGENT: lost content on Bebol scratchpad

Thu, 03/20/2014 - 10:15

Dear Scratchpad team,
We lost most of the content of our bebolwebsite (s2). I fear that this is due to the inactivation of the site on scratchpad v1. Please resolve this as soon as possible.
Thank you

Bug #4038 (Require Feedback): Lost content on JEMU scratchpad

Thu, 03/20/2014 - 10:15

Dear Scratchpad team,
We lost most of the content of our jemu website (s2). I fear that this is due to the inactivation of the site on scratchpad v1. Please resolve this as soon as possible.
Thank you

Bug #4036 (Active): Bug #4009 is not completed! Maps missing from 'Maps' tab?

Wed, 03/19/2014 - 19:09

Maps missing from 'Maps' tab?

This bug is not a duplicate of bug #3033 ('Map tab in species overview missing distribution data'), and is still a problem!

For each taxon, the 'Maps' tab is blank, eg. http://aeridinae.e-monocot.org/taxonomy/term/10684/maps. But the map does show on the 'Overview' tab: http://aeridinae.e-monocot.org/aeridinae-classification/vanda-cristata

Feature #4033 (Postponed): Split GM3 fields into constituant parts in import file

Wed, 03/19/2014 - 02:08

In the Location content type, are latitude and longitude only stored in the Map field? Is there any way these could be split into two fields (at least for point locations), corresponding to one of the two Darwincore terms (e.g. verbatumLatitude or decimalLatitude)? (We could just add fields to the Content Type in our instance, but we would like to avoid mucking around with Scratchpads content types, if possible).

This is primarily a concern for import/export; we could format/parse data to deal with the POINT:(52.3542,-113.7556) format, but it would be nice to avoid such a step.

Scratchpads developed and conceived by: Vince Smith, Simon Rycroft, Dave Roberts, Ben Scott...