the darwin core archive of the cyperaceae has something wrong with it which causes the portal either not to harvest at all or to miss out information. Please have a look at the archive and find one of the lines starting with <br/>
These need to go with their respective record. The <br/> code comes from the authoring information of those records (example below). Please advise on this.
"urn:kew.org:wcs:taxon:224429","morphology","Plant: perennial, loosely caespitose. Culms: 20-50 cm tall, smooth. Leaves: shorter than culms, 3-5 mm wide, yellowish green, slightly scabrous. Basal sheaths: yellowish brown, slightly fibrillose. Bracts: leaf-like, wilh sheaths. Pistillate scales: midrib light green, apex obtuse or acute. Spikes: terminal spike staminate, sessile, linear, 1-1.5 cm long; lateral spikes pistillate, upper spikes subsessile, lower spikes pedunculate, loosely flowered, 1.5-2 cm long. Staminate scales: pale brown, midrib light green, apex obtuse or acute. Perigynia: longer than pistillate scales, patent or reflex at maturity, lanceolate, 10-13 mm long, many veined, glabrous, inside of base spongy, long beaked, margins of beak serrulate, mouth bidentate. Achenes: rather loosely enveloped by perigynium, obovoid, 2-3 mm long, shortly stipitate. Stigmas: 3 Authorship and sources: <b>Primary author(s):</b> Takuji Hoshino <br>
<br/><b>Additional authors:</b> Tomomi Masaki <br>
<br/><b>Authorship date and revision history:</b> March, 2011.<br>
<br/><b>Sources:</b> Illustrated Sedges of Japan.","","http://cyperaceae.e-monocot.org/content/carex-alterniflora","","eMonocot Cyperaceae","eng","http://rs.tdwg.org/ontology/voc/SPMInfoItems#Morphology","text/html","http://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/Text","101ec9fb-dccb-4d09-beee-aa515dbeb87c","","0b94a941-9c3e-4c2e-80b1-0b34836f17a8#morphology"